Summary : The chapter opens with Huck hiding a sack of money in Peter Wilk's coffin as Mary Jane, the daughter of Peter Wilks, enters the room where her father's corpse lies. Huck never gets the chance to retrieve the money from the coffin which worries him. The dauphin sells off Peter's possessions such as the slaves and the estate. The dauphin separates a slave family in this chapter, sending the mother and her two sons in two different directions. Huck is somewhat bothered by the separation of the mother and her sons, but he convinces himself that the family will reunite. A question also arises on the whereabouts of the money. The con men question Huck on the disappearance of the money, but Huck tells them the slaves were responsible for the disappearance. Discussion questions : 1. If you were ever in a situation like Huck where you would have to think fast, where would you hide your possessions? Why? 2. If you were in Huck's position would you have tried to help...