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Blog Post Assignment 7

1. In previous pages, Kien could not seem to get his writing together, but now his novel seemed to have its own logic and flow. What do you think caused Kien to be able to write now rather than before? Do you think something inspired him? If so, what?

2. Phan promised that he'd go back to assist the saigonese that he shared the crater with, but it started to rain and darkness fell. Therefore, he was not able to locate him. Have you ever been promised something and that promise wasn't fulfilled? How did it make you feel?

3. Phan says that whenever he sees a flood he thinks of his cruel stupidity of how he left the saigonese to suffer. Have you ever came across anything that reminds you of something in your past?

4. Would you rather prolong the life of a injured person or kill them if they asked you to. Why?

5. On page 86, it says that Kien's mouth was dry and his breath was foul. What could you conclude about Kien?

6. "Dying and surviving was separated by a thin line" Why do you think Kien says this?

7. Do you think that everything was literally changing in Kien's life or was it all in his head?

8. Could the uneven rocky paths Kien mentions on page 87 represent his life?

9. "Death is another life , a different kind than we know here. Inside death one finds calm, tranquility, and real freedom." Could this quote refer to the afterlife and going to heaven?

10. What do you think made Kien start to believe in ghosts?


  1. #4. I would rather prolong their death. I would do this because no matter what decision I make, they are still going or die in the end. I would not have the heart to kill someone I look up to or love. Anyone for that matter. I'd rather stay with them and show my love before they go.

  2. I could agree with you, but as much as I would want that person to stay as long as they could I feel like it's kind of selfish in a way. I wouldn't want them to suffer any longer just because I want them to stay. But at the same time, I wouldn't want to be the one to kill them or whatever the case may be.

  3. 6. I believe that Kien said this because during war it was easy to get killed and it was so hard to say alive. I also feel that Kien felt as if their was one wrong move and you could instanly be killed.

    1. I really don't think there's a right or wrong answer for this; It's all about how you perceive it. I didn't think of it that way but I like your answer and I could agree with you.

  4. 9. Yes, this quote refer to the afterlife and going to heaven. They say when a person died, they got no more worries. Basically, they are finally at peace.

    1. I agree. When I read this quote I instantly thought about life after death and going to heaven because of where he says that a person would find calm and real freedom. Therefore, I thought to myself that the only real place where it is calm , peaceful , and free is heaven.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 5.) I can conclude that Kien probably hadn't brushed his teeth in a few days. But due to his living conditions this couldn't have been new to him. I can't just walk around with smelly breath and a dry mouth! That's why I always carry a toothbrush and toothpaste when I'm on the go.

    1. This was exactly what I was thinking and the answer I was looking for. I agree with you too, I hate for my mouth to be dry as well as foul breath. When I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is brush my teeth and wash my face!


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