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Blog Post Assignment 10

Chapter 5
1. The church is the meeting place for what?
The church is the meeting place for Grant to teach his students.
They have school at the church.

2. Why does the school only meet for five and a half months?
Grant is supposed to have school for six months out of the year but due to the children having to work in the field he can only teach from late October to mid April which is five and a half months.

3. Why does Grant go in such detail about the process by which Jefferson would be killed?
Grant was already in a rotten mood and when he entered the class from the back door he noticed one of his first grade students was off task and fooling around. He went on to tell them in detail about the situation with Jefferson and how his nannan wants him to make Jefferson a man. The point he was trying to make was that he was also trying to make them out of young men and young ladies and they basically have no time for nonsense and fooling around.

4. What news does Mr.Farrel bring to the class?
Mr.Farrel informs Grant that Mr.Pichot would be expecting him by five o'clock that evening.

Quote "I knew that Jefferson was her cousin, but I didn't apologize for what I had said, nor did I show sympathy for her crying." Pg.40
Grant shows tough love to his students. He doesn't assist their every need , comfort them, or nurse them to even problems they encounter in class. He lets them pick themselves up and figure out their own problems. He is making them into men and women. So if they are every called a hog or any stereotyped name they wouldn't believe it because they have been toughened along the way.

Chapter 6
1. Where has Grant gone?
Grant has gone to Henri Pichot's house to meet him as he requested.

2. Where does he wait?
Grant waits in the kitchen with Inez.

3. Why does Edna make Grant reach an order to shake hands?
Edna may think Grant is beneath her and that she shouldn't have to go to him, he should come to her.

4. How did Grant act that was insulting to the white man?
Grant was coming off as a very intelligent man which they wouldn't have expected from an African American.

Quote "Whether I should act like the teacher I was, or the nigger that I was supposed to be." Pg.47
The African Americans viewed Grant as the smart teacher and the Caucasian viewed Grant as nothing but a nigger.

"Saying nobody could make that thing a man." Pg.46
The sheriff didn't look at Jefferson as a human being at all. He was a thing to him. He didn't even think Jefferson was worthy of learning to be a man.


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