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Emily Dickinson Analysis

1. "Forever is composed of the nows.": In this quote, Emily Dickinson is insinuating that "forever" is formulated from all of the "nows" which may be all of the moments in someone's life.

2. "That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet": In this quote, the reader feels as if Emily Dickinson may have went through a rough time at that moment in her life. At that moment, Emily Dickinson may felt that she'd never go through what she's going through again and that's what brought her comfort, or "made life so sweet."

3."If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.": In this quote, Emily may feel that if she helped someone through a difficult time in their life that she would actually serve a purpose instead of being useless.This quote makes one think of the saying "you shall not take the lord's name in vain" which basically means to not call on the lord in useless situations.

4. "If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry.": In this quote, the reader feels that poetry is something that Emily admires strongly, and if it is true poetry it would move her in such a way that her body would go cold and not even fire could warm her.

5. "This is my letter to the world
      That never wrote to me":  Maybe Emily always went unnoticed in the world, and she was just a number out of the billions of people, but she has a message for the world, although this world never had a message for her.

6. "Saying nothing sometimes says the most.": A person's demeanor often says a lot about their character. In certain situations, it's best to say nothing and saying nothing may be the best option. Saying what's on your mind is not always the best idea which may seem easier and more convenient in the spur of a moment. Although saying nothing may be difficult, it shows the level of maturity in a person and shows that one is able to contain themselves.

7."I dwell in possibility...": In this quote, the reader may think that Emily Dickinson lives in a world of anything being possible. If she dwells or lives in possibility there's nothing that she isn't capable of doing.

8."Nature is a haunted house--but Art-- is a house that tries to be haunted.": First, the reader notices the comparison between nature and art. Nature is reality while Art is the replica of some given time period, event, or etc. Art is often a recreated piece of something and not the real thing, hence why Emily Dickinson would say that Art is a house that "tries" to be haunted whereas Nature is the actual haunted house.

9. "Parting is all we know of Heaven, and all we need of Hell.": Whenever someone parts, by nature heaven and hell is always associated at some point. In other words, heaven and hell is all that is known when someone dies.

10." I have been bent and broken, but -I hope- into a better shape.": In this quote, the reader can assume that Emily Dickinson has gone through times in her life that have torn her apart and broken her, but hopefully she'll learn from it and allow those times to make her a stronger person.

11."in this short life
       that only lasts ah hour
       how much-how little-is
       within our power.": Life is what a person makes it. Life can be short or long depending on the human. Overall, anyone is in total control of their life, the direction or path it goes, and the outcome of it.

12." Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon.": A demon can be associated with fear or curiosity. What stops a person from trying something new is often because they fear it or are simply afraid to do it, and when they finally try, fear is released. Another scenario could be a curious person who tends to always try new things. Every time they try something new they release curiosity.

13. "To shut your eyes is to travel.": Based on this quote, the reader may think when a person shuts their eyes, life will run its own curse or travel on it's own. The reader may also associate this quote with being asleep. When a person is asleep, the mind is free. The mind tends to travel on it's own and imagine things which generally results in dreaming.

14."open me carefully": People often associate and become close with people that they thought they knew well. Maybe Dickinson wants someone to take their time to get to know her. It is easy to damage a person or ruin a friendship or relationship simply by not knowing someone well enough. Maybe she is trying to protect herself and prevent something from happening again.

15."Till I loved I never liked enough." In this quote, the reader can assume that Emily Dickinson realizes that she has never liked someone enough to love them. She doesn't realize she didn't like them enough until she found someone she truly loved.


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