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Invisible Man: Prologue/Ch.1&2 questions

1. In the opening paragraphs of the prologue, there is a tone of unsurety. The narrator claims himself to be invisible but also possesses some characteristics that seem to lack confidence in himself. For example, the narrator says he “may” possess a mind and also mentions he often doubts he even exists.
 2. The narrators interaction with the blond man is ironic due to the fact of how he is acting in this time period. It was rare for a black male to approach a white male in such a manner.
3. When the narrator says that the blond man didn’t see him it was actually true. The blond man did not see the narrator.
4. I believe the sleepwalkers are the whites. Sleepwalkers are those who tend to be unconscious and can become rather violent when awakened. I also took into account of the incident with the blond man.
5. Although the narrator is “invisible”, he has a desire for light. Light brings him comfort and reassures him of reality.
6. Louis Armstrong is an artist that the narrarator listens to. The narrator may feel that he can relate to Armstrong.
7. The struggle for freedom was not a peaceful and free as it sounded for the old woman. Freedom was believing something was going to happen but it turned out differently and it often confused her to what freedom really was.

Chapter 1:
1. The second paragraph is alluding to greek mythology.
2. The grandfather wants him to cooperate with the whites.
3. Booker T. Washington was the founder of the college, maybe the narrator was inspired by Booker T. Washington.
4. The narrator is aware that he should have no feelings toward the blonde girl.
5. Assimilation has it's limits, and that is shown by the white's whom are being amused at the cost of the narrator and the other black males.

Chapter 2:
1. The road is used to symbolize the different paths that can be taken.
2. The rhetorical purpose of the founder's statue was to remind them of how white's were in power.
3. The diction and syntax are used in a sarcastic manner.
5. The sleeping farmer was one that the narrator fears due to him having power over him or African Americans although he was poor.
6. Mr.Norton's enthusiasm was strange because it was over his own daughter.
7. The following line foreshadows an event that will later occur in the novel.
8. As the reader reads the conversation between Mr.Norton and Mr.Trueblood, the reader thinks about the relationship that Mr.Norton and his daughter had. Mr.Norton was very obsessed with his daughter and her appearance as Mr. Trueblood was. Therefore, the reader wonders what Mr.Norton may be thinking as him and Mr.Trueblood converse on the matter of his daughter, Matty Lou.
9. As Mr. Trueblood tells his story, his tone is guiltless. Mr. Trueblood tells this story as if it is perfectly acceptable and as if he did nothing wrong.
10. Trueblood's sexual attraction toward his daughter is ironic because it is incent and he sees nothing wrong with that whereas his race shames him for it.
11. Aunt Cloe was a mid-wife, and because Trueblood got his daughter pregnant, his wife did not want Matty Lou to birth a sinned child; Matty Lou was going to have an abortion.
12. The white community praised Trueblood because he followed the expectations that had been set for black people.
13. Mr.Norton gives Trueblood one-hundred dollars after their conversation to buy the kids some toys. I believe Mr.Norton sympathized with the family as well as him probably thinking that the kid's fate was his destiny as well.


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