Reading and editing my classmate's writings as well as my own was a good experience. It made a huge affect on me to hear how we sound. Constructive criticism from the teacher and class made me realize many of my strong areas. I am really good with transition words, grammar, and spelling. I am also good with keeping my writing professional and on task, but there's always room for improvement. While reading my classmate's writings I noticed there were many problems with mechanics and spelling; I don't struggle with those areas too often. One of the few weaknesses of mine is getting my ideas down. I tend to get stuck when it comes to brainstorming. Once I get my ideas down everything practically flows. My action plan to help improve my weakness would be to think harder but smarter and also think outside the box.
1. In previous pages, Kien could not seem to get his writing together, but now his novel seemed to have its own logic and flow. What do you think caused Kien to be able to write now rather than before? Do you think something inspired him? If so, what? 2. Phan promised that he'd go back to assist the saigonese that he shared the crater with, but it started to rain and darkness fell. Therefore, he was not able to locate him. Have you ever been promised something and that promise wasn't fulfilled? How did it make you feel? 3. Phan says that whenever he sees a flood he thinks of his cruel stupidity of how he left the saigonese to suffer. Have you ever came across anything that reminds you of something in your past? 4. Would you rather prolong the life of a injured person or kill them if they asked you to. Why? 5. On page 86, it says that Kien's mouth was dry and his breath was foul. What could you conclude about Kien? 6. "Dying and surviving was separated by a th...
Travia I would also have to agree that editing our classmate's writings was a good experience. The experience was very beneficial to help us be more caution of our mistakes when writing. I would also have to agree that your strengths in writing are your transition words, grammar, and spelling according to your paper that I've recently proofread. I believe your action plan to solve your weaknesses is very helpful. Don't worry Travia I feel that you will overcome this weakness in no time.