In the opening scene of Act 1, Macbeth is told by three witches that he could possibly be king, which is hard to believe. Macbeth is actually acknowledged as king, but he couldn’t understand why when there was already a king. Macbeth tells his wife, Lady Macbeth, the information that was relayed to him by the witches. Lady Macbeth wants to make this prophecy true. In my opinion, I strongly believe she is very influential over her husband. She uses pathos to offend Macbeth as well by offending his man-hood. Lady Macbeth plans to kill the king which makes her appear ruthless, greedy, and power hungry. This is ironic due to her name being “Lady Macbeth” but her character traits do not correspond with her title.
1. In previous pages, Kien could not seem to get his writing together, but now his novel seemed to have its own logic and flow. What do you think caused Kien to be able to write now rather than before? Do you think something inspired him? If so, what? 2. Phan promised that he'd go back to assist the saigonese that he shared the crater with, but it started to rain and darkness fell. Therefore, he was not able to locate him. Have you ever been promised something and that promise wasn't fulfilled? How did it make you feel? 3. Phan says that whenever he sees a flood he thinks of his cruel stupidity of how he left the saigonese to suffer. Have you ever came across anything that reminds you of something in your past? 4. Would you rather prolong the life of a injured person or kill them if they asked you to. Why? 5. On page 86, it says that Kien's mouth was dry and his breath was foul. What could you conclude about Kien? 6. "Dying and surviving was separated by a th...
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