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Blog Post Assignment 7

1. In previous pages, Kien could not seem to get his writing together, but now his novel seemed to have its own logic and flow. What do you think caused Kien to be able to write now rather than before? Do you think something inspired him? If so, what? 2. Phan promised that he'd go back to assist the saigonese that he shared the crater with, but it started to rain and darkness fell. Therefore, he was not able to locate him. Have you ever been promised something and that promise wasn't fulfilled? How did it make you feel? 3. Phan says that whenever he sees a flood he thinks of his cruel stupidity of how he left the saigonese to suffer. Have you ever came across anything that reminds you of something in your past? 4. Would you rather prolong the life of a injured person or kill them if they asked you to. Why? 5. On page 86, it says that Kien's mouth was dry and his breath was foul. What could you conclude about Kien? 6. "Dying and surviving was separated by a th

Blog Post Assignment 6

1. Do parents ever pressure their children to achieve? Why do you think so? Answer: Yes, parents want their children to be the best of their abilities, and want them to be better than they were. 2. What are some conflicts that parents and children have? Answer: Parents and children often have different views on things, mainly due to the fact that children yet to understand everything in life. 3. Do you feel that people can be anything they want to be? Answer: A person can certainly be anything they want to be with the power of hard work and positivity. 4. Do all conflicts have a winner? Answer: All conflicts have a winner until the two have to compromise. By them compromising, no one wins because the decision made was not what either of them wanted originally. 5. Compare your relationship with your parents to Chinese children's relationship with their parents in China. Answer: The relationship I have with my mother in comparison to the Chinese differ and has similariti

Blog Post Assignment 5

Quote 1: "When I was a senior in high school, she didn't ask where I would like to go to college. She didn't take me on a tour. I didn't even know people went on tours until I went to college and others told me they'd gone on them. I was left to figure it out on my own." Question 1: The theme I perceived from this quotation was to appreciate your parents as well as to not take them for granted. Cheryl's mother did not expose her to the college life nor did she push her or motivate her to go. Most parents encourage one to go to college and to explore options. Question 3: This quotation has a conflict between Cheryl and her mother. Cheryl faults her mother for not being an actual parent when it came to being concerned about her future. Quote 2: "I never got to to be in the driver's seat of my own life," she'd wept to me once, in the days after she learned she was going to die. "I always did what someone else wanted me to do. I'

Blog Assignment 4

Quote: " I did not so much look like a woman who had spent the past 3 weeks backpacking in the wilderness as I did like a woman who had been the victim of a violent and bizarre crime." Question 1: The theme for this particular quote could be that just by looking at a person one would not know their  story, what she has been through, or where she's been. Question 4: The quotation does provide detail about Cheryl's setting which is the PCT. Cheryl stated that she looks more like a victim who had been in a violent and bizarre crime, which means her setting may have been rough and difficult for her.

Blog Post Assignment 3

   The article "When you throw a party but nobody comes" states how it is not easy to throw a party in the Pacific Crest Trail. The article gives reasoning and solutions for that particular issue in the PCT. The reasons Dana Hendricks give for no one showing up to the parties are due to isolation from big populations, roads, and social scene. As mentioned, the article also lists solutions such as holding more parties, have more outreach (social media), and to send experienced volunteers. Fact: The PCT has more designated wilderness than any other long-distance trail. Question: Why won't they create a ferry or any transit vehicle for people to access the trail as well as attend parties? (Without ruining the PCT) You can find this article at:

Blog Post Assignment 2

    Reading and editing my classmate's writings as well as my own was a good experience. It made a huge affect on me to hear how we sound. Constructive criticism from the teacher and class made me realize many of my strong areas. I am really good with transition words, grammar, and spelling. I am also good with keeping my writing professional and on task, but there's always room for improvement. While reading my classmate's writings I noticed there were many problems with mechanics and spelling; I don't struggle with those areas too often. One of the few weaknesses of mine is getting my ideas down. I tend to get stuck when it comes to brainstorming. Once I get my ideas down everything practically flows. My action plan to help improve my weakness would be to think harder but smarter and also think outside the box.


     Hello! My name is Travia RenĂ©e Wilson. My birthday is January 13, 2000; I am a Capricorn. I tend to seperate myself from people. I am not very vocal. I'm more of an observer. In my unoccupied time I like to shop, spend time with my dearest and family, and also travel. I am currently enrolled at Ben C. Rain High School as a junior for the 2016-2017 school year. I am very excited and overwhelmed with joy to be a junior this year. For me, this year will be one of my most important school years due to me trying to make a name for myself academically. One of my mini goals is to be valedictorian or salutatorian of my senior class.To accomplish my goal, I will be putting my maximum amount of effort into everything I do. In the near future, I would like to persue a career in pharmacy. Therefore, my main priority is continuing to have a strong work ethic. I am very focused and ready to tackle everything that is thrown my way this year and beyond!